Harvest! Winemaking Has Begun for 2018
After a lot of waiting, the grapes of the Santa Cruz Mountains are reaching varietal ripeness. Our first harvest was one of our...

Veraision and Late Harvest
The grapes are now fully mature and we're getting close to harvest. The cooler weather this fall has caused a delay in reaching full...

We Have Berries!
As of the final week of June, the flowers on our vines have turned into fruit. In the wine business, when talking about these early...

We're in Bloom
Those "clusters" I talked about in the last blog post are now opening into flower clusters as you can see in the accompanying photo. The...

2018 Vintage is Well Underway
I was talking with a wine-loving friend who asked if this is a quiet time in the vineyard. While explaining the many activities going on...

Release of Our First Zinfandel and Cabernet Sauvignon
We've been looking forward to bringing out our first Zinfandel and Cabernet and last week we determined them ready to go. They had both...

Caroni FL1400 Tillovator Seal Replacement
Caroni makes a nice rototiller, but it's impossible to get a technical bulletin on any maintenance from either the retailer or the...

Release of Our 2016 Pinot Noir
In anticipation of the eminent selling out of our 2015 Pinot Noir, we began evaluating for release the 2016 Pinot Noir, which had been in...

Mid-Winter is the Beginning of Activities in the Vineyard
The vineyard gets quiet after the harvest and net removal. The vines have spent the summer and fall growing grapes and then wait...